Saturday, July 17, 2010

It might be tricky, but I'm "tryin' knit"

...And that is the explanation of my blog title--yet another knitting pun. A friend at work was bemused by the knitting community's insistence on puns like "Ravelry" and "Dominknitrix" so now that it's been pointed out I have to do it. We pointy-stick-people have also started a lunch time knitting group we're calling "Purls of Great Price." We may never utter a knitting-related straight line again.

So this morning I was up earlier than everyone else and had some peaceful time to myself. I spent part of it watching spinning and knitting demonstrations online. No, I'm not planning to take up spinning; I just wanted to learn something about it so that as I listen to the "Straw into Gold" segments of the Knitmore Girls podcast, I can picture what Jasmin is talking about.

It was the knitting demos I was really into, as new things to try. First I stumbled on one about double knitting on YouTube. Sunbonnet Sue isn't really a favorite motif of mine, but I'm willing to knit her to learn the technique. And because I *can* embed the video, I shall:


There's a link on YouTube for the free pattern, but don't follow that one--it's much easier to find on Ravelry.

I was also very pleased with the demonstrations on Fair Isle and intarsia color knitting that I found here. 
And there are lots of other videos that look helpful too. I'm really anxious to try color knitting, but first I want to finish my vanilla socks and try some lace knitting too... and there is a Scaruffle pattern in one of my books... but definitely color knitting is on the horizon.

And now, it's time for breakfast. Knitters have to keep their strength up.

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